How to Fix Light Leaks in Film Cameras


By: Shawnee Union

Originally published on Apr 30, 2017

If you use vintage cameras at some point you need to change you light seals. I’ll go over over how to easily do it and the tools you’ll need as well.

Cutting Mat

Acrylic Ruler

Rotary Cutter

Light Seal Foam…

Cotton Swabs

91% Alcohol

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Assignments Book
The Photographer’s Playbook

—Black and White Film
Kodak T-max 100 35mm
—Color Film
35mm Fujifilm Superia
120 Kodak Ektar

Other Favorites and Gear

Note by  Other very good tutorial on how to replace light seals here:> (

ACROS vs ACROS : Film vs Digital


By: Ted Vieira

Originally published on Aug 25, 2016

I’ve wanted to do a comparison video for a while now, comparing the Fujifilm ACROS film simulation with the actual Neopan 100 ACROS film. This is that video. It’s not a debate between which is better, digital or film, that’s subjective and up to each person to make up their own mind on which is better for them.

This video just shows the two mediums back to back.
Instagram: @TAV_Photography…

Easy 35 Released: A new 3d Printed Pinhole Camera

Clint O’Connor is back with a new 3d Printed Camera the Easy 35, details follow;

Easy 35 3D Printed Pinhole Camera

Easy 35 3D Printed Pinhole Camera

The Easy 35 pinhole camera has now been published! If you want one and don’t have a 3D printer, you can use 3D Hubs or wait for someone to produce it on eBay or Etsy.

I wanted to create a new 3D printed pinhole camera that anyone with access to a 3D printer can make. The Easy 35 camera satisfies my goals of fast to print, cheap, and easy to make. Such a camera will appeal both to photographers and to educators wanting to teach principles of photography to youths. Based on 35mm film, the Easy 35 can be printed in half the time of a Flyer 6×6 and needs just a pinhole to assemble (at a bare minimum). A rubber band secures the top and black tape is used as the shutter.

The Easy 35 body is printed as one piece, incorporating the film chambers, rails, internal light baffles, and pinhole mount.  Such a camera is only possible with a 3D printer, since it cannot be done in one piece with conventional manufacturing techniques.  

Several copies can be printed at once on any 3D printer in black ABS or PLA.  Pinholes can be purchased or made with a needle and foil, and glued in or retained with an O-ring.

The Easy 35 camera is released in the spirit of open source, using the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 license, meaning anyone is free to make them or even sell them, as long as attribution is given to the designer and any remixes or derivations are shared alike.  The Easy 35 camera is or will shortly be available on YouMagine, Pinshape, and Thingiverse.

Details on the Easy 35 camera can be found on (in Products).

More links;

Why I’ve Gone Back To Shooting Film…And Why You Should Too

By:  08-14-14 (

Our DSLRs have confused us. We obssess over the wrong things. Sharpness at 400%; bokeh characteristics of lenses produced from what-must-surely-be prancing magical unicorns; high speed burst frame rates that make cameras sound like gatling guns; 4k resolution to shoot better cat videos; 100 auto focus points that still won’t focus on what we need them to; and noise performance at 400,000 ISO. Absolutely none of these will make your photographs better. Shooting film will though, here’s why.

Full article at the source>

Pinhole, Printed – a 3D printed pinhole camera

A Kickstarter Project by: by Clint O’Connor

Pinhole – a 3D printed camera. Get one or print your own – either way, take magical photographs from a new, yet old perspective.



For 3D printing enthusiasts, the files and kits are available, or you can get photos or just back my project.  It may only be a dollar, but every backer is an additional encouragement to continue my work.

For photography enthusiasts, I have sold out of the Flyers that I’m making for Kickstarter (see Update #7).

Do keep an eye on the pledges, though. Occasionally someone cancels and you might get lucky.

If you’ve missed the Kickstarter cameras and want one, contact me on the Contact form and let me know if you want a Flyer or Clipper (panoramic).  I will get back to you about printing some more after the Kickstarter rewards have shipped.

All Stretch Goals Hit!

Funded in 13.5 hours – that is awesome for a photography project! We have also hit all the stretch goals.

Link to Kickstarter Project Page>

The “Digipod” is simply a digital 35mm film cartridge, that once adjusted, will fit most still SLR cameras

Short Summary

As a 58 year old ex-professional photographer I have for years been looking at a number of old analogue or as I call them wet film (refers to the developing process) SLR camera bodies that I used as a young professional, all of which are precision mechanical instruments, they all hold great memories and have taken some great images.

Some are completely mechanical others have batteries to power meters, there are Nikons, Canons and a couple of Leicas’, in my eyes they are all works of art and I have taken some wonderful images with them, but they have not taken pictures for a number of years and that’s a sin.

So for the last five years been looking for a way to make a digital film pod to replace the 35mm film for these cameras, there has been a number of prototypes and a very steep learning curve for me.

I wanted the Digipod to be as versatile as possible in the space available, so there is no hard memory, everything is saved to a micro sd card, plus it has a mini USB for direct connection to a computer and a built in battery.

Others have tried, notably “Silicon” back in 2000, but they failed due to technical problems. Having researched their attempt, I came to the conclusion that it was an overcomplicated project which made it too expensive and the hardware was just too big, given that the smallest memory cards in 1999 were the thin smart media cards and a maximum of 128mb memory (about 24, pictures at that time) so it’s no surprise that they fell by the wayside!

See full description at IndieGoGO Project Digipod Page