Easy 35 Released: A new 3d Printed Pinhole Camera

Clint O’Connor is back with a new 3d Printed Camera the Easy 35, details follow;

Easy 35 3D Printed Pinhole Camera

Easy 35 3D Printed Pinhole Camera

The Easy 35 pinhole camera has now been published! If you want one and don’t have a 3D printer, you can use 3D Hubs or wait for someone to produce it on eBay or Etsy.

I wanted to create a new 3D printed pinhole camera that anyone with access to a 3D printer can make. The Easy 35 camera satisfies my goals of fast to print, cheap, and easy to make. Such a camera will appeal both to photographers and to educators wanting to teach principles of photography to youths. Based on 35mm film, the Easy 35 can be printed in half the time of a Flyer 6×6 and needs just a pinhole to assemble (at a bare minimum). A rubber band secures the top and black tape is used as the shutter.

The Easy 35 body is printed as one piece, incorporating the film chambers, rails, internal light baffles, and pinhole mount.  Such a camera is only possible with a 3D printer, since it cannot be done in one piece with conventional manufacturing techniques.  

Several copies can be printed at once on any 3D printer in black ABS or PLA.  Pinholes can be purchased or made with a needle and foil, and glued in or retained with an O-ring.

The Easy 35 camera is released in the spirit of open source, using the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 license, meaning anyone is free to make them or even sell them, as long as attribution is given to the designer and any remixes or derivations are shared alike.  The Easy 35 camera is or will shortly be available on YouMagine, Pinshape, and Thingiverse.

Details on the Easy 35 camera can be found on www.pinholeprinted.com (in Products).

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CameraSim, Really cool apps and website

From the CameraSim Website  By: Jon Arnold  CameraSim Founder

I built CamersSim because I love photography, and I want to equip photography instructors everywhere with meaningful tools that helps them teach photography to their students.

While nothing can replace using a real camera, I’m proud of the role that CameraSim has played in enlightening budding photographers all over the world.

I’m always looking for feedback and ideas to help make CameraSim even better. If you have any you’d like to share, please drop me a line.

Thanks for visiting!