SIGGRAPH 2013: Reconfigurable Camera Add-On, KaleidoCamera

Published onĀ Apr 29, 2013 (Alkhazur Manakov)

A Reconfigurable Camera Add-On for High Dynamic Range, Multispectral, Polarization, and Light-Field Imaging.

We propose a non-permanent add-on that enables plenoptic imaging with
standard cameras. Our design is based on a physical copying mechanism
that multiplies a sensor image into a number of identical copies that
still carry the plenoptic information of interest. Via different
optical filters, we can then recover the desired information. A minor
modification of the design also allows for aperture sub-sampling and,
hence, light-field imaging. As the filters in our design are
exchangeable, a reconfiguration for different imaging purposes is
possible. We show in a prototype setup that high dynamic range,
multispectral, polarization, and light-field imaging can be achieved
with our design.

More info and results here:…